Discover how many hours (and thus money) you save with Whatsapp Chatbots.

Jun 14, 2024

It is often attractive to tell how scalable the Red Rocket model is. More budget and strong videos and great copy means more reach within an even more qualitative target group. It is how online advertising works, since all major advertising platforms use the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves auction method. We will delve deeper into this later this month.

But what is also important to emphasize is the savings that occur when using Whatsapp chatbots. For that purpose, we have built a unique calculator, which immediately provides insight into exactly what you save based on the number of vacancies, the number of positions per vacancy, and the number of applications. Our clients spend an average of 25 minutes per call-back action. This includes not only the conversation, but also the number of times connection needs to be established. About 50% answer almost immediately. All a waste of time when it comes to candidates of whom you don't even know if they meet the tough requirements needed to perform the open position.

Our Whatsapp chatbots qualify all those candidates based on those requirements. Think of;

  • A driver's license

  • Fears (claustrophobia, fear of heights, etc.)

  • Available on weekends

  • Owns transportation

  • Willing to work evening/shift work

This way, only the best candidates remain, and you invest your valuable time only in the most valuable candidates. The rest will immediately know that the position is currently not suitable for them.

Finally, about the calculator; It also provides immediate advice. So, it not only calculates the saving in hours, but also whether a chatbot is necessary or not according to us. Once it is not necessary, we offer a NOBOT campaign. Which means; A campaign only on Instagram and Facebook, where the leads do not go through a chatbot, but are delivered directly.

I would say; Try it out!