6 facts about TikTok of which you definitely didn't know 4.

Jun 27, 2024

TikTok is taking over the world, but what's behind the scenes of this wildly popular app? Here are six facts you need to know!

1. One Third of Adult Users Use TikTok

Did you know that one third of adult users are on TikTok? Especially young people under 30 are avid users, with as many as 62% of them regularly using the app. So, TikTok is not just a platform for teenagers, but also attracts a significant adult audience.

2. Six out of Ten Teens Use TikTok, Many Almost Constantly

TikTok is hugely popular among teenagers. Six out of ten teens use the app, and 17% of them are almost constantly engaged with it! This shows how deeply rooted TikTok is in the daily lives of young people.

3. TikTok's User Base is Growing Rapidly

TikTok's growth is impressive. In just two years, the number of adult users has risen from 21% to 33%. This explosive growth demonstrates how quickly TikTok has become a fixture in the social media world.

4. Only 25% of Users Create Almost All Videos

Although TikTok has a large user base, it's interesting to note that only 25% of users are responsible for 98% of all the videos you see. This means that a relatively small number of users produce most of the content that goes viral and gets shared.

5. 43% of Users Get Their News from TikTok

TikTok is not just for dances and lip-sync videos. An impressive 43% of users get their news from the app. This percentage has doubled since 2020, showing that TikTok is becoming an increasingly important source of information for many people.

6. TikTok's News Users are Young and Diverse

TikTok's news users are young and diverse. 44% of them are between 18 and 29 years old, and 58% are women. This makes TikTok a platform where young and diverse groups get their news and information.

TikTok is beloved and popular, and it provides advertisers, like Red Rocket, the perfect audience for running lead and job vacancy campaigns. Whether you want to generate leads or are looking for talent, TikTok offers a unique opportunity to reach a broad and engaged audience.

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